Born to Cave Wild – Produced by Dave Socky, 1998. 9 minutes

Even if you are an anthropologist, biologist, archeologist or some other kind of -ologist, I’ll bet you have never heard about the Familarius Americanus caveat SpeleoAmericanus Pan Troglodytes. This video portrays the first ever recorded sighting of this strange and exotic troglobyte. This rare footage not only shows the creature in its natural environment, but by using the latest in stop action video technology, the SpeleoAmericanus’ birth and developement is captured on tape for all to see.

There are legends about the SpeleoAmericanus, for he is a shy and elusive creature. Only a few cavers have been fortunate enough to observe his kind , and lived to tell about it. After portraying SpeleoAmericanus’ emergence, you will see the full range of habitats that this wild caver is found in, set to a special remake of Steppenwolf’s Born to be Wild.

Sit back, kick off your boots, and enjoy the show, Born to Cave Wild.

This video won an Honorable Mention in the 1999 Communicator Awards and was a finalist for the 1999 Telly Awards, plus it won Merit Award at the 2000 NSS Video Salon.