Vendors Row – Produced by Dave Socky, 2000. 9 minutes

Go to any large caving function: OTR, NSS Convention, Sera Cave Carnival, TAG Fall Cave-In, etc., and you will find a Vendors’ Row; a gathering of several to many Speleo-vendors, ready to sell you every manner and type of cave-related gear. This entertaining video (with original music from the magic of Dan & Marian McConnell) exhibits the cavers’ love affair with the vendors and their wares and shows how great it can be to shop on Vendors Row.

Find out about brain buckets, lighting systems, vertical gear, cave books and batdananas. Read some sassy T-shirts, too. Find out why cavers always seem to be broke and what really makes them cry. Just remember the credo of Vendor’s Row: ‘Better Caving Through Currency’.